Colleges are not just places to get an education in a specific discipline, but a place to learn to be a well-rounded person who is able to make the right decision to lead to a successful career and life. This is what we strive to do at San Francisco Bay University (SFBU) as we explore the process of making your future brighter through education.
In fact, SFBU is where they teach students how to be great leaders as well as giving them the tools needed for a successful life. We aim to make the world a better place by teaching you the skills needed while also teaching you to be a better neighbor.
We are constantly changing our programs in order to give you, the students, what you need in terms of skills and knowledge.
After much success as one of the best business schools in Northern California, SFBU has now developed a new model for higher education. We have developed a system that gives students the best possible education at an affordable price. We also offer opportunities to all students no matter what their background holds.
San Francisco Bay University is a well-respected institution that offers students with an undergraduate degree in business administration top professional development abilities. Students that complete their on-site, online, or hybrid bachelor’s program from SFBU will be prepared to face any workplace environment and can advance their skills more quickly than those that dive into the business field without an undergraduate degree.
SFBU’s bachelor’s in business administration program focuses on the mastery of basic and advanced accounting principles, along with cost and managerial accounting practices, to provide students with a full range of skills. Students will also experience instruction in financial statement analysis, solid business communication skills, and out-of-the-box thinking that is essential in the workplace. Other courses involve the principles of management, entrepreneurship, marketing, information management, and general career development.
As a student in this program, you will learn how to make critical ethical decisions as well as implement strategies to give businesses great results. In order for your business to succeed, you must be able to manage it effectively and make sound financial decisions-no matter what obstacles come between you and success.
For students who have completed a bachelor’s degree, the Master in Business Administration is tailored to broaden prospects and become more marketable in the industry. A master’s degree can also boost career trajectory, strengthen and augment current skills, and increase earning potential.
SFBU’s master’s degree in business administration provides aspiring leaders a broad base of field-proven interdisciplinary business concepts in management, marketing, human resources, finance, analytics, and technology that will enable them to launch their professional careers to the next level. Program graduates will have acquired the flexibility of thought to make wise decisions in today’s complex, diverse, multicultural, and global business settings.
Our goal is to make sure each student who graduates from SFBU leaves with all the tools they need to be successful in life and business.