Solar hot water system Perth enables you to use the sun’s energy more efficiently, saving you money on water heating costs and lowering the carbon footprint of your house. These systems support your home’s current water heating system.
To determine if a solar water heater is appropriate for your home, we describe what it is and how it functions below.
What Exactly Is a Solar Water Heater?
The majority of the time, solar hot water systems are supplemental water heating systems that operate alongside current conventional versions. This system is frequently combined with a tankless or on-demand hot water system so that, in the event that the solar system becomes overworked, the tankless system can take over and continue to supply hot water.
It’s a practical option for people living off the grid who want to heat their water without using power or gas. Your hot water supply is nevertheless constrained by the amount of sunlight the system can absorb in the absence of a powered backup.
Utilising solar energy lowers the price of traditional water heating. And if you consider how much hot water you use every day—for washing dishes, cleaning up after dirty kids, doing laundry, taking showers, and so on—this can add up to sizable annual savings.
The environmental impact comes next. About 3 tonnes of carbon dioxide are emitted each year due to the use of hot water in an average home with a typical electric water heater. Given that an automobile emits only around 4.6 tonnes of carbon dioxide annually, that is a significant amount. The carbon footprint of your household might be decreased by at least 2 tonnes annually by installing a solar water heater. That is a big reduction for the globe.
How Does the Solar Water Heater System Perth Work?
A solar hot water system Perth heats water using the thermal energy of the sun, as the name suggests. Each system consists of a controller system, a heat exchanger, a storage tank, and a collector. Naturally, you’ll also have a backup gas or electric water heater. Although most units come with a backup system, there are solar-only variants available for people who prefer to live completely off the grid.
The solar panels that often go on your roof are the collectors. These solar panels gather heat instead of converting it to electricity. Sunlight strikes an absorber plate as it travels through the outer layer of glass. This specifically coated panel absorbs the sun’s energy and converts it to heat.
From there, the heat is transferred to the transfer fluid, which is stored in small pipes connected to the absorber plate and is often antifreeze but occasionally potable water. How much direct sunlight the installation area receives and the demand for hot water in your home will determine how many collectors you need.
Different Solar Collectors for Water Heating Systems
The collector you choose will depend on price, how much sun your hot water system installation site receives, and your climate. Collectors come in a variety of sizes and kinds.
- Evacuated Tube Collectors
- Flat Plate Collectors
- Batch Collectors
- Heat Exchanger and Storage Tank
- Controller
- Backup System
Different Solar Water Circulation System Types
Depending on your environment and financial situation, you can choose from a variety of solar water circulation systems.
Direct Solar Hot Water
In a direct system, there is no transfer fluid, and the water receives heat directly from the sun. Instead, the water heats up immediately before being sent to a storage tank or the tankless water system. The cheapest solar systems are direct systems; however, in regions with cold temperatures, they need a lot of insulation and protection.
Indirect Solar Hot Water Systems
Systems that use heat transfer fluid in a closed-loop are indirect solar hot water systems. A heat exchange pipe system is filled with an antifreeze-like fluid. The transfer fluid, which moves through the pipe circuit and into a water tank, absorbs solar thermal energy. Before returning to the collector unit to acquire more thermal energy, the heat is transferred there through the pipes and into the water.
As they are more effective and less prone to heat loss, these are suitable choices for cold areas. Additionally, pipes cannot freeze. These units are more expensive than direct ones, though.
Does a Solar Water Heater Operate in Cloudy Conditions?
Yes, a solar water heater functions even in cloudy conditions. It will not, however, operate as effectively or produce as much thermal energy as it does in bright, sunny weather. As a result, while it’s cloudy outside, you might consume more conventional energy when your backup system runs to supply hot water when it’s needed.
What Is the Price of a Solar Water System?
The typical price range for a solar water heater is $2,000 to $5,000. There are numerous influencing factors, such as the system type, collector type, and number of units required. Even if you’re a seasoned DIYer, you shouldn’t attempt this large-scale project on your own. Allowing a local water heater installation to handle the task is a much better choice.